Monday, April 14, 2014

Am I missing out?

Unfortunately I am a working mother. I love my job, but I love my family more. My time with them is so limited that at times it almost seems unbearable. I never want Evan to feel like he is second to my career. 
He is the reason that I work so hard. I became a teacher because I know I have an overwhelmingly amount of love for children. I just didn't know how much I could love my own son.
They say you don't know love until you are a parent, and it's so true. 
Everything Evan does is an amazing little miracle. He has never disappointed me and I can't imagine that he ever will.
He truly is a miracle from God.
I know in my heart that God has me where I am for a purpose. I also know that once he is in school I will be able to bring him with me every day. 
I will get to give him a kiss on the cheek as he enters in to his classroom and I will get to hear all about his day on the drive home.
Education is so incredibly important and I feel that by me being a teacher, he is already ahead of the game. He is only 14 months old and knows about 20 words!
Sure, he can't walk yet, but I believe it's because he doesn't want to.
I am biased, but I believe that he is incredibly smart. I will do my best every day to encourage him to make the right choices and push him to be the best that he can be!

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