Monday, May 23, 2011

Had a bad day?

Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep. -Carl Sandburg
I tend to take the phrase, "I had a bad day," with a little panache. I believe that it can always be worse, I try to stay on the sunny side and pray that it will only go up from where I am when I feel like I am at the bottom. Today was a day that tried to be a bad day, but I wouldn't let it. It all started when my husband and I had to wake up at 6:30 in the morning to go and get his drivers license renewed. I didn't mind waking up early, we were both off today and I love doing everything together when we have the day off. That actually went well, it only took us about thirty minutes there, and then from that we went to my university, UTA, to check on my financial aid and finally change my last name for my school records. My name change went well, but their printer was broken so they couldn't print off my transcript for me to take to the community college that I am taking a summer class at...great. Then, I found out that there are no financial aid opportunities available for the summer, so my husband and I had to cancel our one year anniversay plans in order to start saving the $2022.00 it will cost for my summer classes. Believe me, it does get worse... I was so distressed that we weren't going to be able to make our plans happen for our anniversary because our honeymoon was shot when our car broke down in the desert in New Mexico and we had to stay in this little town, but that's a different story. Anyways, after we left UTA, feeling dismayed, I was still trying to look on the optimistic side, trying to search for anything to make this day better. As we were driving home in my husband's car, his air conditioner decides to stop working, and right as that happens, I get really nausious and start throwing up. It isn't even 9:00 in the morning yet. We derail our other plans and head home to rest. We watch a movie and take a nap until about 1pm. From there we wake up, eat lunch, and head to my car to go to walmart to go grocery shopping. When we get in my car, we realize that it won't start. Mind you that it hasn't been acting up at all and there was nothing leading me to believe that it was about to break down. So, still not trying to get too terribly upset, we get in my husband's car and go ot walmart. When we get there, we see our old neighbor...the crazy one who sent us stalker emails... We take an extra 30 minutes to walk around all of the different departments in hopes to not see her. Once we knew she had left, we go back to our shopping. We managed to spend pretty much what we had budgeted for and then head back home.

In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.
-Albert Einstein

The way I see it is that we make our own happiness. No matter what is going on around us, we have to see opportunities to love and see the good. There will always be difficulties, but what matters is how we handle the situation. The Bible says that God has all our our days written, and that He knows what every day will hold for us. We just have to believe that there is nothing that will happen that He knows we can't handle and just have faith that He will help us through it, no matter what it is.            

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