1 John 5:4 For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.
Dear Evan,
You have your whole life ahead of you and I am so excited to see where God takes it! This world is not the easiest place to live. There are trials and temptations that you will not be able to avoid, no matter how deeply I wish you could. If it were up to me, your life would be flawless and perfect. If that were to happen though, you would never be able to experience the love and grace of God. He has a special place for you in this world, I know it. I prayed every day for you while I carried you in my womb and I still continue to pray for you daily. I pray that you acknowledge His presence daily and that you remain faithful, no matter what is thrown your way. When the world closes a door, let God open another one.
Take time to worship and revel in His presence daily. Allow yourself to cry and be vulnerable. To be a man of God in this world is one of the most difficult things you will have to do, but it is so worth it. You have your father and me here to cheer you on and to be your confidants. I have wanted nothing more for you from the day I learned of your existence than to be a child of God and to grow up to be a man of God.
I pray that your heart will be overwhelmed with the love of God. I pray that you will see the world through the eyes of the Lord. Your name means "God is Gracious" and I want you to experience His grace. Allow yourself to feel His hands on your life and reach out for Him. There is nothing more beautiful than experiencing His presence when you worship.
Never be afraid to lift your hands in his name. Dance when you feel like dancing and cry when you feel like crying, because there is nothing more free than feeling His grace and mercy wash over you when you are in His presence.
I will always be by your side and encourage you to seek the Lord in every situation. As long as you keep your faith, there is nothing that man can throw your way that the Lord can not help you to overcome.
This life will not be easy, but through the love and grace of God, you will see His goodness and mercy. He will shine a light on your life and lead you down a path that will protect your heart and mind. I will do everything I can to encourage you to follow that path.
Never be afraid to seek after the wisdom of those older than you. Even though your father and I have made mistakes in our lives, we have seen God through all of them. Never think any situation is too small because this life is unexpected and there are other forces that will interfere with the Lord's desire for your life.You are surrounded by people who love you and who want nothing but good things for your life.
You will never be alone. God's grace will always be upon you. Allow the King of King's to guide you in the way of everlasting life and you will see miracles and witness a love that you never knew possible. Bind your heart to the Lord and in all your ways acknowledge Him.